Monday, March 11, 2013

A Note from the President:


If you came to the Trailblazers website to order tickets for the banquet, I am sorry to say that we are sold out for this year. This spring we will be announcing the dates and other details of our 70th annual banquet that we will have in 2014. We hope to have you join us next year.

If you have attended in the past you know that calling the event a “banquet” is not really a complete description. It’s practically a day-long event that starts in the afternoon with the annual Tom Cates Memorial Bike Show. The show, named after our dear departed friend Tom Cates, is somewhat different every year. The format is the same, but we never know what bikes are going to roll through the gate every year. People bring motorcycles without any kind of pre-appointment. The only requirement to show a bike is that you have bought a ticket for the banquet. There is no additional charge to display, and there are some nice trophies awarded. If you do bring a bike, make up a little information board explaining its history or details.

We have a nice evening program planned for you. We will be giving a toast to one of the sports most famous and prolific race photographers, the late-Walt Mahony. Not only is he being inducted into our Trailblazers Hall of Fame, but we have our traditional custom wine bottles this year featuring Walt for a special tribute to him.

There are some other great motorcyclists being honored this year, including the late Larry Bergquist, the “Desert Fox” – who had an incredible racing career in Baja and the California desert; Lori Conway – 4 times AMA Women’s District 37 #1; Jim Connolly pioneer California motocrosser who also lent his product expertise to the early motocross magazines; “Supermouth” Larry Huffman, the well-known race announcer who excited race crowds at the Costa Mesa Speedway, LA Coliseum and more; Stu Morley, once one of the famed BSA Wrecking Crew at Ascot, Buddy Stubbs, a former pro racer and movie stunt man who became a successful motorcycle dealer and collector in Arizona; and Tom White, who was also a top ranked AMA GNC pro racer at Ascot and the National circuit, then partnered with his twin brother to create and operate a motorcycle aftermarket manufacturing and distributing company. Today he spends his time keeping his private motocross museum in order, and is active in related motocross and historic programs.

Last, but not least, is Ed Kretz Jr., this year’s recipient of the Dick Hammer Award, the  Trailblazers most prestigious award. Ed lives in Colorado these days, but grew up in Southern California and is making a rare return visit here to accept his award.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Don Emde
Trailblazers M.C.

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